Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the World

So some believe that today is "Judgment Day". Since I have no doubt that I would not be one of those chosen to be taken off this earth before the ensuing chaos begins, I have contemplated what I would have liked out of this day. First off, my husband. He isn't here and if today were it, would he make it home to me? Then my kids and grandkids - I would want them all here. Worse, I have a grand-daughter I have yet to see. What if I never got the chance? These are the things that occupy my thoughts. Then, there are the wonderful people who I have counted as friends and the experiences we have shared. So I guess that if this were it I would have to say that I have had it better than most and that my only regret would be that my family couldn't all be together for it. Maybe not good enough to save me a spot in heaven, but probably more than I deserved and definitely enough to have made me happy.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What We Take for Granted

Last week the world lost an amazing young man. Adam was one of Erika's best friends throughout our years overseas, and the two of them shared many adventures along with other friends. They went on sports trips together, shared the joys and sorrows of wins and losses, were athletes of the year together and graduated together. Although they lost touch briefly as so many kids do after graduation, they had begun talking again and sharing experiences and trying to advise the other when one of them was down.

We do not know the exact circumstances of his death - just that he apparently took his own life last Wednesday. Erika doesn't understand - they had just talked the day before and she was planning a trip to go see him and he had promised her a ride in his Mustang. And now he is gone. His family is left behind to try to put together the pieces and manage the pain that only a parent can feel at the loss of a child taken too young and a brother can feel at the loss of his hero.

We take for granted that our children will be there, that a husband or a wife or a friend will be there - and then, with no warning, they can be taken away. Love those around you - give them a hug. Never take them for granted.